For the entrepreneur ready to have consistent soul aligned clients who love to pay you for the transformational work you do together... Hellooooo Fully Booked!

For the entrepreneur ready to have consistent soul aligned clients who love to pay you for the transformational work you do together... Hellooooo Fully Booked!

It's time to exceed your business dreams, without sacrificing your life.

Your heart's been calling you to more... 

  • More clients to impact 
  • More confidence
  • More visibility
  • More money

You know you're great at what you do. It's your zone of genius!

Your clients love you and they get great results!

But, you struggle to communicate the power of your work through your marketing on social media in a way that feels authentic, and creates consistent clients and cash.

You know how to be consistent, but still somehow end up in a vicious cycle of feeling rejected and discouraged, which leads to throwing proverbial spaghetti at the wall with your offers, pricing, message, etc. 

This rollercoaster begins to drain you, and you begin to wonder if it's really worth it. Yet...deep down you know you've been called to this work.

How would you feel if...

I told you this business of yours IS aligned with your purpose, and this IS the work you were meant to do in the world.

You're just not focusing your efforts in the right place....

You're trying to emulate how someone else has created their success... 

But every online business is as unique as the business owner-

It takes radical self-trust to stop looking for solutions outside yourself, and begin seeking solutions through your own self-knowledge, which is the answer to the clarity you've been on the hunt for, and peaceful decision making.

Success will come when you recognize that YOU ARE THE ANSWER, and begin to put more intention on aligning your business strategy with your individual core values, unique strengths, and personalized desires.

Book a Free Discovery Call

Private Mentorship is a Crash Course in the School of You.

Together, we will:

  • Nurture your superpowers to increase self-confidence and self-acceptance.
  • Create a customized business plan that plays to your unique strengths, knowledge, lived experience, talents, and desires. 
  • Create a content strategy so each post is intentional and purposeful.
  • Dial in your authentic marketing message that makes you stand out and shine in a sea of everyone copying everyone else .
  • Sharpen your storytelling skills so that your soul aligned clients know without a shadow of doubt that you are the person for them, because they see a part of their story reflected in yours.
  • Learn to playfully experiment in business so that you feel energized and light, vs. the heaviness that comes along with needing to do it "right."
  • Practice loving kindness with yourself, which leads to magnetism.
  • Anchor your daily actions into your bigger purpose, so that you are fueled by meaningful productivity vs hustle and perfectionism.
  • Cultivate radical self-trust, which is the most potent antidote to imposter syndrome, overwhelm, self-doubt, fear, confusion, and stuckness.
  • Increase your confidence to pursue your biggest dreams that require public speaking, writing, getting on video, or anything else that pushes you outside your comfort zone!


1:1 Coaching Package Options- On sale now through May 20, 2024! 

Each package will include progress tracking on revenue, hours worked, and intangibles (how you're feeling).

All-In Package:

  • 3, 60 minute calls per month
  • Voxer access
  • $1000/ month with 8 month commitment
  • Or $8000 paid in full

Light Package:

  • 1, 90 minute call per month 
  • Voxer access
  • $500/ month with 8 month commitment
  • Or $4000 paid in full

Ready to let go of doubt and and claim your worth as a successful soul aligned entrepreneur?


Ready to get the support + do what it takes to make your business dreams a reality?


If the answer is yes...

Book a Free Discovery Call