Bonus Episode: Is Amplify Elite Mastermind right for you?

Season #2

Is Amplify Elite Mastermind for you?

Today is a bonus episode I’ve decided to record especially for anyone who has been on the fence about working with me inside my upcoming mastermind, Amplify Elite, which starts October 4th.

Every program I create has its own unique spirit, or essence about it. It’s a feeling I get when developing the idea of what I want the room to feel like for the women who feel called to step into the work together.

Knowing that vibe is key for me because I very methodically and intentionally create everything about the container, FROM that.-

The marketing, the copy, the sales strategy, down to the details and logistics of the actual program.

In this episode, I'm helping you decide if this is the right program for you by unpacking the essence of this mastermind, what it's about, who it's for, and what we're doing, and the logistics of joining.

Book your discovery call here: