29. The Art of Turning Words Into Money with Nicole Cloutier

Season #2

You've likely heard the expression, "Marketing is the LIFEBLOOD of your business," meaning without marketing, you're not creating revenue, and it's true...but be honest, does the word marketing make your skin crawl and your head spin a little?!

Today's Soul Aligned guest, Nicole Cloutier is a copywriter for creative business owners and solopreneurs who makes marketing feel less “icky," and helps you turn your words into money using an authentic, intuitive method of journaling.

Nicole's slogan is, "Sell your Stuff, not Your Soul!"

In today's show Nicole gives us a glimpse into her personal journey from corporate to entrepreneurship, and the inner work it took along the way. She shares with us what it means to her to be a Soul-Aligned Woman in Business, and generously spills the tea on how to make marketing feel authentic for solopreneurs and online business owners.

Episode Highlights 👇🏼

  • Defining copywriting vs content
  • What makes marketing for personal brands unique
  • Know when to leave a corporate job
  • Tools for better copywriting
  • Using your personal stories to sell your offering 
  • Nicole's intuitive journaling method to write authentic, compelling copy that sells!

Connect with Our Guest👇🏼

Nicole’s website nicolecopy.com

Instagram @nicole.copy

Susie’s Links and Resources 👇🏼

Join the waitlist for The Amplified Woman Experience 


Follow Susie on Instagram @susietriggtucker


Apply for 1:1 coaching with Susie:
