27. Six Inner Child Archetypes that May Be Sabotaging Your Business Success
Our patterns are not a comprehensive view of who we are, nor do they define us, but when they go unacknowledged, they can really hurt us. In today's solo episode, Susie shares 6 Inner Child Archetype patterns that may be sabotaging your business and life success. If you enjoyed this episode, I would love if you shared a screenshot on your Instagram stories to share with your friends. Be sure to tag me! Links & Resources: When the Heart Waits by Sue Monk Kidd: https://www.amazon.com/When-Heart-Waits-Spiritual-Direction/dp/B07BDN21DQ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=PA7C4Q4SX9EK&keywords=when+the+heart+waits+sue+monk+kidd&qid=1686075747&sprefix=when+the+heart+waits%2Caps%2C506&sr=8-1 Book a free discovery call with Susie: https://susietriggtucker.hbportal.co/schedule/6334fc0f6fc8f629a7a7a793 Join Susie's Group Program, The Amplified Woman Experience: https://susie-trigg-tucker.mykajabi.com/theamplifiedwomanexperience