16. The Truth about Quantum Leaps in Business
Quantum leap. Exponential growth. Overnight success. Whichever name we choose for it, we are describing the experience of extremely fast growth. Inspired by the book you² by Price Pritchett, this episode is about the profound inner work that leads to quantum leaps in your business. Episode Highlights 👇🏼 -What is a quantum leap in science terms and applied to business -Conventional growth, incremental growth, and quantum growth -External vs internal leaps and growth -The 7 Principles to Quantum Leap in your business and my personal take on each one -Examples and practices related to the 7 principles Links and Resources 👇🏼 You² by Price Pritchett https://www.pritchettyou2.com/product/you2 The Amplified Woman Experience https://susie-trigg-tucker.mykajabi.com/theamplifiedwomanexperience Follow Susie on Instagram @susietriggtucker https://www.instagram.com/susietriggtucker/ Sign up for weekly business and mindset insights via email https://mailchi.mp/d06b0b3a6f09/mindset-monday