16. The Truth about Quantum Leaps in Business

Season #2

Quantum leap. Exponential growth. Overnight success. Whichever name we choose for it, we are describing the experience of extremely fast growth. Inspired by the book you² by Price Pritchett, this episode is about the profound inner work that leads to quantum leaps in your business. Episode Highlights 👇🏼 -What is a quantum leap in science terms and applied to business -Conventional growth, incremental growth, and quantum growth -External vs internal leaps and growth -The 7 Principles to Quantum Leap in your business and my personal take on each one -Examples and practices related to the 7 principles Links and Resources 👇🏼 You² by Price Pritchett https://www.pritchettyou2.com/product/you2 The Amplified Woman Experience https://susie-trigg-tucker.mykajabi.com/theamplifiedwomanexperience Follow Susie on Instagram @susietriggtucker https://www.instagram.com/susietriggtucker/ Sign up for weekly business and mindset insights via email https://mailchi.mp/d06b0b3a6f09/mindset-monday