7. Are You Playing Small in Your Business?

Season #1

Are you playing it small to avoid conflict, to be "nice", or because you were told that "ladies" should always be humble? You are not alone. But you don’t have to play it small anymore. In fact, limiting yourself and taking up less space has far reaching effects in both your business and your life that might be holding you back. This episode was inspired by a conversation that I had a few weeks ago with a new private client and honestly, this conversation comes up with every client that I work with, so, I wanted to share on the podcast my take on the concept of playing small versus allowing yourself to take up your God-given space.

Episode Highlights 👇🏼

  • Another side of humility that isn’t talked about but is incredible important
  • How playing small shows up in life and in business and how to overcome this
  • How do we learn to play big and honor ourselves
  • The importance of radical self acceptance
  • The unique opportunity that entrepreneurs have for self development
  • What it means to take a higher quality action and how to get there

Links and Resources 👇🏼

Susie’s website http://www.susietriggtucker.com/

Schedule a free business consult with Susie https://susietriggtucker.hbportal.co/schedule/622f8d6a28a2bc0f471e8f7f

Sign up for weekly business and mindset insights via email https://mailchimp/d06b0b3a6f09/mindset-monday